When I Grow Up

When I was little I was always asked when I turned into a big girl what did I want to be.

Now obviously princess was my first answer, the idea of prancing around in a magical fairy dress all day, eating chocolate whenever I wanted seemed like heaven to me.

Then it changed and I want to be an ice cream lady. I thought it would be fun to see the happiness on the kids faces when they got an ice cream. Not going to lie I also thought you got free ice cream and that seemed like a massive bonus to me.

It changed to a builder, I wanted to make massive buildings for people to work in and make myself a lovely house. However I was told that girls couldn't be builders, it was a man's job. So I stopped dreaming.

Teaching was my next career choice, and I stuck with that for about five years. I wanted to help educate people, create the next Einstein or Isaac Newton. I wanted to be able to teach people key things they would use for the rest of their life.

Then when I got older I wanted to be a lawyer. It seemed like a stable job. Working in an office. Decent pay. A nice structured life style that the majority of people wish for. Everyone told me that was a great idea, I'm a smart enough girl I could do it. Oh it would be great money. I'd live a happy and successful life. By that time I didn't want to be a lawyer anymore, the thought of it bored me. Trying to tell my family that was a different story.

So I told everyone that's what I wanted to be. I was stuck on the idea of being a lawyer.

I don't want to be a lawyer.

When I told everyone about my career choice, the amount of comments I got about it was unbelievable. Wow you really want to do that. Why can't you just do more normal job. You've got the opportunity to make loads of money just go for it.

I want to be a criminologist or a forensic scientist. I want to look into the minds of those who do the most terrible things and find out the reason for why they did it. Or look at dead bodies to find out how that person died.

Yeah it may sound a weird enough career choice. Death. Seems pretty dark huh? However it's something that interests me. I've always been into crime shows. It baffles me how people do what they do.

I've abandoned the idea of being a princess (although I'm still down for it) a ice cream lady, a builder, a teacher and a lawyer. Either because I grew out of it, was told I want capable or I was pressured into being it.

Choose something you want to do with your life. At the end of the day it's you who has to do the job everyday, no one else. So be what you want to be. A waitress, a cleaner, a pilot, an engineer, a stripper, a shelf stacker at Tesco. If you want something, go for it. Regardless of your gender. Regardless of your family or friends.

When I grow up I want to be something I want to be, not what everyone else wants me to be.


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