Quick upload here, where I'm going to explain all about our Social Media Links♡
Both Tia and I have separate twitters, as well as a joint account. Tia's is @suggletlyf and mine is @itsayoutubelyf Our joint account is @youtuberrlyf however, where we are basically focused on separate accounts, thay one isn't used as much. We are both extremely active, so you can tweet or dm us any time you want and we will reply!
We have Instagram too! It's @thebloggerlyf and it's kind of a cool tumblr theme *tumblr girl* We are pretty active on there too, and we most probably follow back, so that's a bonus! You can message us on there if you have any questions too!
Finally we have an email, tiaelise123@gmail.com where you can talk to us in a bit more depth, and have a longer chat if you really need too.
Thank you (if anyone is) for reading our posts, we would really appreciate love and support. Please remember to share us with your friends and family, even if you just tweet our link. It would make us so happy☆
Lots of love,
Tia and Elise xo